Are you in a Stalemate?
There are times in life where we can feel that nothing is moving forward. We are repeating the same old, life is in a rut, you have dreams but you can’t seem to get those dreams moving. Maybe you are in a season where you feel you have tried everything to break through yet nothing is shifting.
That is called a STALEMATE.
Definition = Stalemate
In the game of Chess, the opposition is trying to place you in checkmate, where your king on the board, is in a threatened placed and cannot move to a place of freedom.
We all experience hurdles and challenges in life. The difference is whether those hurdles or challenges have turned into a stalemate.
The Lord Jesus is our King and defender. He is the one who has placed himself between us and satan and gives us a way of escape when we are threatened by him. Jesus says in John 10:10,
The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy,
I have come that you may have life and have it to the full
– John 10:10
Satan has one goal, and that is to steal, to kill and to destroy your life and destiny. A stalemate is his attempt to do just that. When we understand that there is a spiritual realm that hinders our path, then we can become victorious.
Jesus has given you authority to dismantle the stalemate, and His desire for you is to place satan in checkmate. He also says that He gives you life and a fullness within that life.
In order for us to move out of stalemate we need to take a look at where things got stuck, or where things ceased to exist. The target from satan is to attack your mountain spheres.
Your Mountain Spheres
Our mountain spheres are those areas in our life that we see the overflow of our daily life outworked.
There are 7 mountains. Each mountain has a sphere of influence attached to it. These spheres are the overflow area’s in our life. Usually when we hit a stalemate, it affects one of our mountains. The key to getting out of stalemate, is to identify the mountain that has been hit, then to narrow down the sphere.
1- Health
Mountain = Health
Sphere = Soul, wellness, physical health, emotional health, mental health
2- Relationships
Mountain = Relationships
Sphere = Immediate family, relatives, children, siblings, spouse, partner, neighbours, friends, colleagues
3- Work place (sphere of influence)
Mountain = Work place
Sphere = Your influence in the community, peers, job, boss, your talents, work of your hands
4- Calling
Mountain = Calling / Destiny
Sphere = Your designated gifting’s, your identity, who you are made to be and what you are called to do
5 – Finances
Mountain = Finances
Sphere = pay check, wealth, investments, money, financial portfolio, inheritance
6- Provisions
Mountain = Provisions
Sphere = Residence, shelter, home & contents, food, daily needs
7 – Faith
Mountain = Faith
Sphere = your relationship with God, your beliefs, sin, unforgiveness,
Speak to your mountain
Jesus tell us that if we speak to the mountain and tell it to move, by faith we will see it move!
“Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea’ and believes that what he/says will happen, it will be done”
– Mark 11:23
– When we BY FAITH speak to our sickness mountain and declare healing, we become healed (Isaiah 53:5).
– When we speak to the mountain of financial lack and declare that the Lord is our provider (Genesis 22:14) and wealth (proverbs 10:22) is a gift from the Lord to me, we see financial favour.
– When we declare that we will walk in the destiny that God has already established for us (Psalm 139:16) then we won’t miss our ordained time and season.
Your legal move
Getting out of a stalemate will require you to spend time asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how and when things started to unravel. Once they are revealed then you can begin to map out the precise point of entry.
Just as the definition of stalemate states “the player has no legal move to make”.
Satan can only steal, kill or destroy something in your life through a legal case. This legal case is brought forth in the court system of heaven. We know that there are books in heaven that are opened by the LORD before eternity can begin. Those books contain everything about your life.
Just as we have a court system here on earth. There is also a court system in heaven.
There is The Judge = The LORD, The Prosecutor = The Holy spirit who brings witness in your favor, The Plaintiff = Satan who brings the accusation and The Defendant – You.
The only way to get satan into checkmate and you out of stalemate, is to eliminate the legal accusations Satan has over you. The blood of Jesus and our confession (asking for forgiveness ) are the two things that erase and silence the accusations in the court of Heaven.
You can’t defend yourself in heavens court if you, 1 – haven’t been cleansed by the blood of Jesus (this is done both by participating in communion and declaring by speech the blood has now set you free) and 2 – asking for forgiveness of your sin (it’s our sin that separates us from God).
After you have prayed these two things then you can begin to reverse the stalemate and head towards checkmate.
How to get out of a Stalemate
1 – Identify the timeframe
– Identify the timeframe when you noticed the stalemate enter into your season. This could be a specific day, month or even year.
– When did you notice things had dried up. This could have been either a slow decline or an instant cease to exist.
– Identify what slowly dried up or ceased within your mountain spheres. What events within those mountains spheres led to the slow decline.
– Take a look at your mountain spheres and identify which mountain took a hit.
2 – Narrow it down
– Within that timeframe you’ve identified, take it a step deeper, and narrow it down to what circumstances or person came into connection with you in that timeframe. It may have been work related, a relationship conflict, feeling unwell, mental or physical fatigue, a trauma or incident etc.
– Also take a look at your soul / spirit during this time. Sometimes our soul (mind, body, will & emotions) and our spirit (intuition, our spiritual gifting’s ) will pick up on things before we see them manifest in the mountain spheres of our life. Our spirit becomes aware first, followed by the out workings within the soul.
3 – Map it out
– With the information you have gathered above, begin to map it out. By mapping it out, you get a visual picture of the timeline and the events that caused the stalemate to enter. This map will also help you get out of stalemate and put the enemy in checkmate, so your mountains become free and victorious once again.
4 – Journal what you have identified
Answer a few questions:
– How long has the stalemate been in existence? Days, weeks, years
– Are those people / circumstances still in play? Are you still in connection with them?
– Has the state of your soul / spirit become stronger or weaker? Is it still bound in defeat or has it become free and moving forward to victory?
– Are there any trends that you notice? eg. has it happened before in another season (a familiar spirit) a family member went through the same thing (generational curse), you dreamt about it and now you are walking it out (ignoring spiritual warnings).
Receiving your Victory?
Living a life of faith should give you an upper hand in being victorious. But there are times thou, when your stalemate is in direct relation to what satan brings against you. As a child of God and a believer in Jesus Christ, you are already victorious! Now that you have mapped out the timeline to your Stalemate, and you have positioned yourself ready to pray (you have taken communion / applied the blood over your life and have prayed for forgiveness and have forgiven others) then you are ready to claim your victory and place satan in checkmate for good!
Pray the victory!
Lord God Almighty,
I worship you for being the great I AM. You are my provider, my healer and my way of escape. I thank you that you have created my innermost being according to your plans and purposes. You have also fashioned my days. I will not see one day less, than what you have ordained for my destiny. I call my days blessed and favoured by You! I speak now to the mountain of … (name your mountain), and I command in Your Name Jesus, that mountain and the sphere …(name the spheres) to be moved! I cast you off my days, and off my destiny. spirit of …(name the demonic spirit that has come against you eg. spirit of sickness, spirit of infirmity, spirit of poverty etc) you now must come under the authority and power of Jesus Christ. I command that you are loosed off … (name the circumstance or part of your body) and you now must return to the foot of the cross. Holy Spirit I ask you now bring freedom over my circumstance and I now declare that I am healed / set free from all accusations of satan. I now stand in victory. Lord begin to release over me the storehouse of provision that is mine in the heavenly realm. I receive the healing / provison / wealth transfer! All glory and praise be unto your name.