God has spoken words of greatness over your life!
His Word, the Bible, is full of declarations of God speaking greatness over your life.
His Word calls you chosen; His Word calls you royalty; His Word calls you holy; His Word calls you His precious treasure, that You have been taken out of darkness into His marvelous light.
His Word calls you all that, just in one verse, 1 Peter 2:9. That’s just one verse out of the 31,102 verses throughout Scripture.
Often, we are quick to believe what others say about us and reluctant to believe what God has said about us. Intellectually, we know that when people label us at work, college, or school, it has more to do with the condition of their souls than ours. It is more likely coming from a weakness in them than from describing a genuine weakness in us. The problem is, sometimes we start to believe them.
Sometimes, we start to believe that we are dumb, good for nothing, a clown, or whatever. Some of us have been living under the lies others have spoken over us, and it stifles His greatness in us.
I encourage you to stop listening to others’ labels and listen to what your Creator has said about you.
Here is just a snippet of the magnificent labels God assigns to you:
God calls you wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
God calls you His masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)
God calls you a Son or Daughter. (2 Corinthians 6:18)
God calls you a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)
God calls you anointed. (1 John 2:27)
God calls you favored. (Luke 1:28)
God calls you blessed. (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Whose labels or names will you choose to live by?
Those that others in your past have placed upon you? Or the ones that the Name above all Names gives you!
Why agree with others who called you ‘good for nothing’ and you would be wrong? When you can agree with your Maker, who calls you ‘His masterpiece,’ and be right! Not only does His Word declare the greatness that He has placed in you, but for many of us, God has given us prophetic words, pictures, and visions of the greater things that He is calling us to. Greater things He has prepared for us.
In the past days, I was prophetically led to James 1:23-24. I was led there so that the Holy Spirit could remind me about stewarding the words that He has given me.
In this verse, the phrase ‘word’ refers to Scripture, but the Holy Spirit was personally saying to me, “Also include My prophetic words.”
James 1:23-24 says, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”
The Holy Spirit challenged me to STOP FORGETTING WHO I AM.
Stop forgetting what He has said to me about me. Stop forgetting what He has shown me and who He called me to be. Stop forgetting who I am!
Maybe you, too, can relate to forgetting about the things He called you to be. You got too tired because it got too hard, and it was easier to roll with punches than punch your way through to who He created you to be.
But as I reflected more on James 1, the Holy Spirit continued,
“Let me make it clear for you: when you forget who you are in Me, it limits the great things that I want to do for others through you. When you forget who you are, it limits My impact in this world because I entrusted them to you.
Forgetting who we are undermines His greatness, undervalues our lives, and under utilises our calling
A Testimony
The very same day the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about this, I received a wonderful text from a gentleman who has been impacted by our ministry over the years. He writes:
TESTIMONY – “Your service, time, and sacrifice you and your family put into this city. Thank you also for the prophetic word that you released over me the first time I came to one of your services back in October 2021.”
He then sent me a video of the word, although I do remember it like yesterday.
It was a word about a portion of the greatness that God has placed in him, of leadership and strength to step up in business. God has graced him to handle significant challenges in business with poise and peace. But it was up to him; he had a choice to step up or not. He took God’s word to heart and started to steward it. A short while later, he took his first intentional step and chose to lead a department. That step led to an increase in his salary to three times what he was on previously. Then, a short while after that amazing promotion, he kept stewarding that word by starting his own business with a partner. This was the full intent that God’s word was directing him towards. That new business brought in around $1 million in the very first year! As he stewarded God’s word of greatness, his life was propelled into greater purpose and with greater provision.
His testimony challenged me, like it does each of us: How well are we stewarding God’s Words over our lives? So I got my journal out, re-reading the words, praying, and decreeing them over my life.
What was very interesting, was that the very next day, God gave me a profound prophetic vision for our future.
God has spoken greatness over you. Keep stewarding His Words well, and not only will they come to pass, but He has greater things prepared for you!