The Journey so far…
A little about my journey so far… I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney Australia, into a strong Christian family and heritage. My early childhood years were largely shaped by my local church’s girls group G.F.S. It was because of the inspiration and creativity of the directors that ignited my inspiration to bring creativity into the house of God. I watched as these Godly women gave it their all, in serving and ministering to every girl of every background, placing value and worth over them at a young age. At the young age of 8, I had a vision of my future while swinging on an old swing under a big oak tree in the grounds of our old church. In that vision I saw that God would mould me and shape me for the partnership of ministry alongside my future husband. Little did I know it then, but everything I did and learnt was for a much bigger purpose and use down the track.
At age 16, I met the man of my dreams, literally! He too was a young man who was impacted and inspired by the same church. Together we had a dream in our hearts to take what we saw and begin our own journey of inspiring others to live life to the full, to not settle and get stale, but to soar further towards the destiny God is breathing over people.
We married in 1998 on Valentines Day and set off on what would become an incredible 25+ year journey of faith and perseverance. After graduating from University with a Bachelor of Music and a college degree in Bible Studies, we planted our first church in 2002 (with 4 young children in toe), in a local school hall. Every Sunday loading and unloading equipment and turning a school hall into a place where people would come to meet the presence of God and start their walk with Jesus.
Since those early days, I’ve learnt that there are many roads, turns and humps along the journey. With each season comes new challenges and new things to be learnt. God is never done with keeping us in the same old rut of life.
Jump forward 25+ years and after Senior Pastoring / Worship Pastoring for the majority of that time, both in some of Australia’s big cities and tiny rural areas to the great state of Texas USA, I have had the incredible privilege to walk numerous seasons alongside thousands of people who have all had different journeys, all had seasons of joy and abundance, sorrow and lack, but they all have the same heart cry – to be seen & valued and they want to know how to navigate their current season well, to not struggle and fall but how to get back up! In our early 20’s we experienced the incredible outpouring of the power of God and the moves of the Holy Spirit. We saw numerous mind-blowing supernatural occurrences, witnessed the spiritual realm up close and personal, and decided that we were going to minister from that place of ‘heaven on earth’.
Today we minister through the power of Jesus and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
Miracles, healings, signs and wonders are the norm as we minister over people and the church. Cultivating pure worship in the corporate setting of church has been a passion for decades. It’s because of this passion to bring the purest heart felt worship, God has released heaven over our times together in worship. It is not uncommon for us to see the Shekinah Glory ( gold dust) of the Lord fall over people as we worship, and over ourselves as we minister under the power of the Holy Ghost. Though I live on this earth, I am constantly inspired by the agenda of heaven and press forward with the mandate to release the power of Jesus into a hurt and lost world – On Earth as it is in Heaven!

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